Honglei Xie

SAS tricks: Assign the Same Value within Group

November 30, 2015 | 2 Minute Read

We often use NODUPKEY or NODUP with BY statement to filter out duplicates in terms of specified variables in BY. However, the problem I dealt with today seemed to be a bit tricky. And I surprisingly found out how powerful RETAIN statement is! Let me simplify the problem as follows:

The dataset, test, just for an example, looks like:

data test;
 input id bus$;
 1 a
 1 a
 2 b
 2 c
 3 d
 3 d
 3 d
 4 e
 4 e
 4 f
 5 a
 5 b
 5 a
 6 c
 7 e

Each observation is grouped by id. I want to add a variable flag following the logic:

  • Rule 1: If it’s unique in the combinations of id and bus, flag = 1;
  • Rule 2: If any one of records flag is assigned to 1 then all records within the same group (i.e. having the same id value) will also have flag = 1 So the desired output table should look like:
id bus flag 
1 a 0 
1 a 0 
2 b 1 
2 c 1 
3 d 0 
3 d 0 
3 d 0 
4 e 1 
4 e 1 
4 f 1 
5 a 1 
5 b 1 
5 a 1 
6 c 1 
7 e 1 

I firstly came up with a very simple solution:

proc sort data = test nodupkey dupout = dup out = out;
  by id bus;
 proc sort data = test;
  by id bus;

data temp;
  merge test dup(in = a);
  by id bus;
  if a then flag = 0; else flag = 1;

Do you find the problem here? By doing so, it will not meet the second requirement! The trick I later thought of was to sort by flag in descending order and assign the rest of observations within the group flag value as same as the first one in the group.

proc sort data = temp;
 by id descending flag bus;

data output;
  retain first_id;
  set temp;
  by id;
  if first.id then do;
    first_id = flag;
  else do;
    flag = first_id;

The RETAIN prevents first_id from being reset to missing for each iteration.