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November 16, 2019
Super 在Python中的用法
经常在别人的code里面看到super,但是一直不太清楚具体的用法,官方的文档非常technical,于是在网上找到一个还不错的资源,终于有了点眉目。这篇post主要是根据我自己的理解重新阐述(翻译)一遍原资源的takeaways以防日后我又忘了的时候可以马上记起来。Super的基本用法先来看这样一个例子。我们想要计算矩形Rectangle和正方形Square的周长和面积。class Rectangle: def __init__(self, length, width): ...
July 08, 2018
Recommendation Systems for Implicit Feedback Dataset - Part 1
This is the first of a series of non-comprehensive paper reviews for the recommendation systems for implicit feedback datasets.Navigations Part 1: Hu, Yifan, Yehuda Koren, and Chris Volinsky. “Collaborative filtering for implicit feedback dataset...
October 08, 2017
Build a vanilla movie recommender with Spark
This is a lab originally from the edX course: Big Data Analysis with Apache Sparkwhere I learned how to construct a machine learning pipeline with Spark. There I’ve added with minor modifications to code about parameters tuning.In this post, you a...
July 10, 2017
NLP: Get hands dirty with Word2Vec
Last time I wrote a post about words co-ocurrences matrix: basically why do we need it and how to create it, along with taking advantage of SVD to reduce dimensions. In this quick post, I will go directly to the implementations of Word2Vec in the ...
July 09, 2017
NLP: Words co-ocurrences matrix
From now and then I will update a series of posts about very basic NLP IPython book demonstrations, just for my own purpose: keeping track of learning progress & connecting each dot into one line. This is my very first post about NLP where mos...